Mission: Our mission is twofold: first, to nurture individuals in their journey of faith, guiding them to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and embody his teachings in their lives; second, to extend this transformative love outward, engaging with and addressing the needs of our communities and the world at large.
Core Values: While embodying the commandments of God, we adhere to the ethical teachings of the Wesleyan tradition: ‘Do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God.’ We strive to live faithfully and hopefully, endeavoring to improve the lives of all whom we encounter.
Full-Inclusion: At the heart of Jesus’ message is a radical welcome extended to all people to grow in relationship with God and one another. We strive to live into this radical call. We welcome people of all races, ages, sexual orientations, gender-identities, occupations, abilities, political persuasions, abilities, and perspectives.
Spiritual Growth: As we practice spirituality within the church, our focus is on nurturing awareness of God’s loving presence. These practices include prayer, meditation, worship, reading, and service to others. Engaging in spiritual practices helps us stay centered and mindful as we deepen our relationship with God and embody the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Justice-Seeking: As we learn how to do justice, it entails loving mercy, walking humbly, and acting justly. According to the UMC, God calls people to live in ways that mirror God’s character and kin-dom. Seeking justice involves honesty, truth, protest, resistance, restitution, forgiveness, reconciliation, and transformation.